
In the following text, we will present applications that allow you to know whether your baby will be a boy or a girl using your cell phone.

There is a growing interest among future parents in knowing the sex of their babies before birth.


This curiosity has led to the emergence of several mobile applications that aim to find out the baby's sex in a non-invasive way.

These apps often rely on information provided by parents, such as the date of the mother's last period.


In addition, family birth history and other factors can also help predict whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

While these apps may be fun for some parents, it's important to note that they are not scientifically proven methods.

The only definitive way to know the baby's sex is through medical tests, such as an ultrasound or a fetal sexing test.

Chinese Gender Predictor

The Chinese Gender Predictor app is based on an ancient Chinese table.

According to her, it is possible to predict the sex of the baby based on the mother's lunar age at the time of conception and the month in which conception occurred.

This chart is believed to have been developed more than 700 years ago in China and was used by couples to try to determine the sex of their babies.

How the application works is relatively simple.

Users provide information such as the mother's date of birth and likely date of conception.

The app then uses the Chinese table to predict the baby's sex based on this data.

However, it is important to note that the Chinese Gender Predictor is considered an unscientific and unreliable method for predicting a baby's gender.

There is no scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of this Chinese table.

Accurate determination of the baby's sex can only be done through medical examinations, such as ultrasound or the fetal sexing test.

Boy or Girl Pregnancy Predictor

The Boy or Girl Pregnancy Predictor app, as its name suggests, is an app that aims to predict the baby's sex based on information provided by the parents.

However, it is important to highlight that this app is also not a scientifically proven method to reliably determine the baby's sex.

The operation of the application may vary depending on the specific version.

It usually involves filling in data such as the mother's date of birth, date of last menstrual period, average menstrual cycle length and possibly other information related to health and family history.

Based on this information, the application uses algorithms and calculations to try to predict whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

However, it is important to point out that these predictions are based on assumptions and probabilities rather than concrete scientific information.

The baby's sex is determined by the sex chromosomes passed on by the parents during conception.

The only definitive way to know the baby's sex is through medical tests, such as an ultrasound or fetal sexing test, which can provide accurate information.

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