
Use technology to your advantage to find out if you are pregnant! Technology has been revolutionizing many aspects of our lives, and health is no exception.

Nowadays, it is possible to use your smartphone to discover your pregnancy quickly and effectively.


In this article, we will present three real applications available on the Play Store that make this unique moment even more special.

Prepare to be surprised by the innovations of the digital age!



The Pregnancy+ app is a true gem for future mothers, with an intuitive interface full of useful information, it allows you to monitor your baby's development week by week, as well as offering health, nutrition and well-being tips for pregnant women.

One of its main features is the pregnancy calculator, which helps you estimate the gestational period based on the date of your last menstrual period.

Plus, Pregnancy+ offers 3D images of your growing baby and even lets you share these exciting moments with friends and family on social media.


How to know if I'm pregnant

Accurate Results in Minutes! For those who want a quick and safe answer, “How to Know if I'm Pregnant” is the ideal application.

Using advanced technology, it analyzes data provided by the user, such as the date of the last menstrual period and possible symptoms, to calculate the probability of being pregnant.

Additionally, the app offers clear instructions on how to perform a home pregnancy test and interpret the results.


It is an indispensable tool for those looking for practicality and reliability at this important moment in life.

My Baby's Beat

Listen to your Baby's Heartbeat! Nothing is more exciting than hearing your baby's heartbeat for the first time.

With My Baby's Beat, this experience becomes possible through your cell phone! Using sonogram technology, the application allows you to capture the fetal heartbeat and record it so that the mother can listen to it whenever she wants.

My Baby's Beat also offers a recording section to track your baby's growth and movements, becoming a virtual companion throughout your pregnancy.


Pregnancy is a period full of emotions, and technology has come to facilitate and enrich this journey.

With the aforementioned apps, future mothers can count on accurate information, unique experiences and exciting moments recorded directly on their smartphones.

Make the most of the play store has to offer and dive into the world of motherhood with these incredible tools.

Download the apps right now and start this wonderful journey towards motherhood!

Applications Download

