
Application reveals your baby's gender for free!

Waiting for the birth of a baby is one of the most exciting moments in any couple's life.


In addition to the natural anxiety that surrounds the arrival of a new member to the family, many parents are also curious to find out the baby's gender.

If before this revelation was a surprise kept until the moment of birth, today, technology offers innovative ways to anticipate this information in a simple and accessible way.


An example of this is the “It's a” application, which allows parents to find out their baby's sex for free via their cell phone.

It's a

The “It's a” app has stood out as a reliable and convenient option for parents who want to anticipate their baby's gender reveal.

It's a...

It's a…

Moodlr, inc.

With a friendly and easy-to-use interface, the application offers an interactive experience that turns discovering the baby's sex into a special and unforgettable moment. Below, we will explore how this application has revolutionized the way parents experience this stage of pregnancy.

How “It's a” Works

“It's a” uses an innovative approach to determining a baby's gender.

Parents can perform the test at home, without the need to schedule medical appointments or invasive procedures. All that's needed is a smartphone and a few minutes of the expectant parents' time.

After downloading the app, users are guided through a simple process that involves collecting specific information, such as the date of the mother's last period.

The app uses advanced algorithms to analyze this data and make a reliable prediction of the baby's gender.

The technology behind “It's a” is based on scientific studies into the relationship between the date of conception and the sex of the baby, offering a non-invasive and safe approach.

The Thrill of Discovery in the Palm of your Hand

By opting for “It's a”, parents have the opportunity to experience the emotion of discovering their baby's gender in a unique way.

The app not only provides an objective answer but also creates an engaging environment for parents to share this special moment.

Colorful graphics, soothing music, and personalized messages make the experience memorable, turning a simple gender reveal into an event worthy of celebration.


In a world where technology plays an increasingly significant role in our lives, discovering the baby's gender could not be left out of this advancement.

The “It's a” app not only simplifies the process but also turns it into an emotionally rich journey.

By allowing parents to experience anticipation in a unique and personalized way, “It's a” represents a milestone in the way families celebrate the arrival of a new member.

However, it is important to highlight that although the app offers a reliable prediction, it does not replace the accuracy of traditional medical methods, such as ultrasound performed by healthcare professionals.

The choice to use “It's a” should be seen as a complementary option, providing a playful and engaging experience for parents.

Ultimately, discovering your baby's gender is a time of joy and anticipation.

The “It's a” app incorporates technology in an innovative way, allowing parents to enjoy this phase in a unique and accessible way.

By celebrating anticipation through this tool, future parents can further strengthen their emotional bonds with the baby on the way, making this moment an unforgettable chapter in the family's history.