
Nowadays, many people are interested in reading food labels before buying them, after all, they want to make healthier decisions. But sometimes understanding all the information contained on labels can be a challenge. That's where the apps to scan food, which make this process easier and more accessible for everyone.

There are several applications available, but we will highlight three of the most popular: Unlabeling, Yuka It is Open Food Facts. These tools are excellent for getting nutritional information about the products you consume, helping you make more conscious and healthy decisions. With these apps, you can scan the food's barcode and access important details, such as the nutritional table, you Ingredients of the food and even if it is ultra-processed or contains unwanted additives.


Be sure to take advantage of these apps and start making healthier choices when buying food. Download them right now and discover how easy it is to read and understand food labels!


O Unlabeling is an application that uses two main criteria to evaluate food. The first criterion is the Nutri-Score System, which offers a nutritional assessment global food profile based on its composition. The second criterion is the NEW Classification, which assesses the degree of food processing.


Desrotulando provides the user with a nutritional score for each scanned food, helping to identify whether it is a healthy option or not. Through these evaluations, it is possible to know if the food is ultra-processed or if it has unwanted additives. In this way, Desrotulando helps interpret food labels, providing essential information for a more conscious and healthy choice.

It is important to remember, however, that some criticisms have been made of Desrotulando. In some cases, the Nutri-Score score may contradict the NEW classification, which can create confusion for the consumer. Despite this, the app is still a useful tool for nutritional assessment and understanding of food processing.

Desrotulando’s main features:

  • Nutritional assessment based on Nutri-Score System
  • Classification of food processing based on NEW Classification
  • Nutritional score for each scanned food
  • Analysis of ultraprocessing and unwanted additives
  • Assistance in interpreting food labels

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O Yuka is an application that uses three criteria to classify foods: nutritional quality, presence of food additives and whether the product is ecological. Based on these criteria, Yuka evaluates the food, classifying it as bad, average, good or excellent.

The appearance of nutritional quality It is evaluated according to Nutri-Score, a methodology that takes into account the composition of the food. You food additives present in products are also analyzed, allowing consumers to identify those with the highest content of unwanted substances. Furthermore, Yuka considers whether the food is ecological, that is, whether it is produced sustainably and respecting the environment.

With this comprehensive assessment, Yuka gives users clear insight into the quality of the food they are consuming. If the scanned food is not considered an ideal option, the application presents recommendations for healthier products, encouraging the consumption of better alternatives.

However, it is important to highlight that Yuka does not always take into account the country of origin of the food in its evaluation. Therefore, there may be some controversy regarding the classification of ecological foods, as standards and regulations vary according to each country.

Even with this caveat, Yuka is a useful tool to help consumers make healthier choices when shopping, promoting better nutrition. nutritional quality and sustainability.

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Open Food Facts

The application Open Food Facts is an essential tool for consumers who want to make more informed choices when purchasing food. With the function of scan food, users can obtain detailed information about the Ingredients and the nutritional value of the products. With an extensive database containing more than 800,000 products, Open Food Facts offers consumers a complete view of the composition of scanned foods.

One of the unique features of Open Food Facts is that users can collaborate by adding information and images of products that are not yet in the database. This way, the application becomes a source of updated and accurate information. Furthermore, Open Food Facts is a user-friendly application that allows users to access the necessary information quickly and intuitively.

With Open Food Facts, consumers can make healthier and more conscious choices, avoiding foods with Ingredients unwanted or low quality. By scanning products, it is possible to identify whether a food has additives that are harmful to health, such as artificial colors or preservatives. Additionally, the application provides information about the nutritional value, helping users select more nutritious and balanced foods.

To download Open Food Facts and start scan food, access the link on the Google Play Store: Open Food Facts. With this powerful tool in hand, you will be better prepared to make informed decisions about your diet and enjoy the benefits of a healthier diet.

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