
In this basic cryptocurrency guide, you will learn about the fascinating world of digital currencies, with a special focus on Bitcoin, The cryptocurrency most famous. Learn what are cryptocurrencies, how they work and how to trade them. Also understand the concept of blockchain and why it is essential for the safety of cryptocurrency transactions.


Main Topics

  • What are cryptocurrencies
  • How cryptocurrencies work
  • Top cryptocurrencies
  • How to invest in cryptocurrencies
  • A cryptocurrency security

Read on to discover all the essential information about cryptocurrencies and how you can get involved in this growing market.

What are Cryptocurrencies?

Now that you know the basics about cryptocurrencies, it's time to understand exactly what they are. Cryptocurrencies are a completely digital type of money, which uses the cryptography to ensure the security of transactions. Unlike physical currencies, such as the Real or the Dollar, cryptocurrencies are not controlled by governments or financial institutions.


O Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was created in 2009 by a person (or group) known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Since then, several other cryptocurrencies have been created, each with its specific characteristics and different purposes. Each cryptocurrency uses algorithms cryptography to protect transactions and guarantee their authenticity.

A cryptography is a data protection method that involves converting information into codes, making it unreadable to unauthorized third parties. It plays a crucial role in cryptocurrency security, as it ensures that all transactions are secure and tamper-proof.

Cryptocurrencies are stored in digital wallets, which can be applications or physical devices designed for this purpose. These wallets are protected by private keys, which are essential for accessing and transferring assets. It is extremely important to maintain private keys in security, because if they are lost or stolen, you could irreversibly lose your cryptocurrencies.

When using cryptocurrencies, transactions are recorded in a public database, called a blockchain. O blockchain is a decentralized technology that guarantees the integrity and transparency of transactions. Each transaction is validated by miners, who use their computers to solve complex mathematical problems and maintain network security.

How Do Cryptocurrencies Work?

Cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the way we carry out financial transactions online. But like these digital currencies work and how are transactions secured?

Cryptocurrency transactions are registered and validated through the blockchain, which is a public and decentralized database. The blockchain is made up of blocks that contain information about the transactions carried out, such as the wallets involved, the amount transferred and the date of the operation. These blocks are connected in a chronological chain, thus forming the blockchain.

Each operation is checked by miners, which are users who use their computers to solve complex mathematical problems. These problems are known as “proofs of work” and help confirm and ensure the security of transactions.

You miners compete to solve these problems first, and the first to find the solution validates the block of transactions. In reward for the work done, the miner receives a specific amount of cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain guarantees the integrity and transparency of cryptocurrency transactions. As the database is decentralized, that is, it is not controlled by a central entity such as a government or a financial institution, it is more resistant to fraud and cyber attacks.

The process of validating and maintaining the blockchain is a fundamental part of how cryptocurrencies work. Furthermore, blockchain also allows transactions to be tracked and verified by anyone, which contributes to the transparency of the system.

By understanding how cryptocurrencies work, it is possible to have a clearer view of the benefits and challenges of this constantly evolving market.

Main characteristics of cryptocurrencies:

  • Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies are not controlled by a central entity.
  • Security: transactions are verified and recorded in encrypted form.
  • Transparency: Blockchain allows transactions to be tracked by anyone.
  • Independence from borders: Cryptocurrencies can be used for global transactions without restrictions.

Example of a table with different cryptocurrencies:

Cryptocurrency Symbol Market value
Bitcoin BTC $
Ethereum ETH $300.000.000.000
Bitcoin Cash BCH $

In this table, we can see the market value of some of the main cryptocurrencies of the market, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum It is Bitcoin Cash.

In short, cryptocurrencies work through blockchain, a decentralized and secure database. Transactions are validated by miners and recorded in a transparent and immutable way. These characteristics make cryptocurrencies an innovative and promising alternative to the traditional financial system.

Main Cryptocurrencies

In addition to Bitcoin, there are several other cryptocurrencies that have gained relevance in the market. Between the main cryptocurrencies, we highlight the Bitcoin Cash, O Ethereum and the Tether.

principais criptomoedas

Bitcoin Cash is a variation of the original Bitcoin, which was created to improve transaction processing times. This cryptocurrency offers a solution to the scalability problem faced by Bitcoin, allowing for a greater number of operations and faster confirmation times.

Ethereum is one of the most traded cryptocurrencies on the market. In addition to functioning as a digital currency, Ethereum is also a platform that allows the execution of smart contracts. This means that it is possible to create decentralized applications and automate financial agreements using this cryptocurrency.

O Tether is a stablecoin, that is, a cryptocurrency that is backed by a physical currency, in this case the US dollar. This cryptocurrency is used as an alternative to traditional currencies, maintaining parity with the dollar. O Tether offers stability and liquidity for investors who wish to use it as a store of value.

Cryptocurrency Characteristics
Bitcoin The first and most famous cryptocurrency, based on blockchain technology.
Bitcoin Cash Version of Bitcoin with improvements in processing times.
Ethereum Platform for executing smart contracts.
Tether US dollar-backed stablecoin.

How to Invest in Cryptocurrencies?

Investing in cryptocurrencies can be a lucrative opportunity for those who want to diversify their investments. To begin with, it is important to choose a reliable and safe broker. Two of the main cryptocurrency brokers are the Binance and the Bitcoin Market.

A Binance is one of the largest and most popular cryptocurrency brokers of the world. It offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies for trading and has advanced features such as leveraged trading and advanced orders. In addition Binance offers an integrated digital wallet to store your cryptocurrencies securely.

O Bitcoin Market, in turn, is one of the main cryptocurrency brokers in Brazil. It offers an intuitive and easy-to-use platform, as well as support in Portuguese. O Bitcoin Market it also has a secure digital wallet to store your cryptocurrencies.

In addition to specialized brokers, it is also possible to invest in cryptocurrencies through traditional banks, such as Nubank and XP Investimentos. These financial institutions offer investment options in cryptocurrencies to their customers, providing greater ease and practicality.

Before investing in cryptocurrencies, it is important to monitor market variations and study each cryptocurrency you are interested in. Analyze the price history, future outlook and news related to each coin. This way, you will be able to make more informed investment decisions and reduce the risks involved.

A common strategy when investing in cryptocurrencies is to diversify your portfolio. This means investing in different cryptocurrencies rather than depositing all your capital in just one currency. This strategy can help reduce some risks associated with the volatile cryptocurrency market.

Don't forget to also consider the security of your cryptocurrencies. Use digital wallets secure and store your private keys in a protected way. This way, you minimize the risk of loss or theft.

In summary, investing in cryptocurrencies can bring good profit opportunities, but it also involves risks. Choose a reliable broker, follow market variations and study each cryptocurrency in depth before investing. With caution and knowledge, it is possible to take advantage of this market.

The Security of Cryptocurrencies

A cryptocurrency security is one of the main concerns of investors and enthusiasts of this constantly growing market. However, thanks to blockchain technology and cryptography, cryptocurrency transactions are highly secure and reliable.

Blockchain is a public, decentralized database that records all cryptocurrency transactions in a transparent and immutable way. This means that each transaction is verified and confirmed by the computer network that makes up the blockchain, making it practically impossible for fraud or forgery to occur.

Furthermore, cryptography plays a key role in the security of cryptocurrencies. Each transaction is protected by complex cryptographic codes, which guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the data involved. This means that transaction information, such as amounts and addresses of the wallets involved, are protected from any type of interception or undue alteration.

To ensure the security of cryptocurrencies, it is essential to use digital wallets. Digital wallets are applications or physical devices that store the private keys needed to access and transfer assets. These private keys are like secret passwords that guarantee ownership and control of cryptocurrencies. It is important to protect these keys and use additional security measures, such as two-factor authentication, to prevent theft and unauthorized access to wallets.

It is worth noting that the responsibility for the security of cryptocurrencies lies with the user himself. It is essential to take additional security measures, such as keeping wallet software up to date, avoiding accessing wallets through untrusted devices or networks, and using offline wallets (known as cold wallets) to store large amounts of cryptocurrencies.

By understanding and adopting appropriate security measures, it is possible to take advantage of all the advantages of cryptocurrencies, such as the ease and speed of transactions, without compromising the protection and security of digital assets.

segurança das criptomoedas

The Price Variation of Cryptocurrencies

The price of cryptocurrencies is highly volatile and subject to constant variations. This is due to the nature of the cryptocurrency market, which is influenced by factors such as supply and demand, economic and political events, as well as individual investor decisions.

When demand for a cryptocurrency increases and supply decreases, prices tend to rise. Likewise, if demand decreases and supply increases, prices tend to fall. These fluctuations can be significant and occur over short periods of time.

A supply and demand of cryptocurrencies are influenced by several factors. For example, a positive announcement about a specific cryptocurrency can increase demand and boost prices. Likewise, negative events or uncertainties can lead to a decrease in demand and a drop in prices.

It is important to note that the cryptocurrency market is still relatively small compared to traditional markets such as the stock market. Therefore, small buy or sell operations can have a significant impact on cryptocurrency prices.

Investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks, especially due to price volatility. It is essential to be aware of these fluctuations and carry out careful analysis before making investment decisions. Diversifying your portfolio and closely monitoring market trends can help minimize risks and take advantage of opportunities.

Example of Cryptocurrency Price Variation

Cryptocurrency Price (beginning of the year) Price (today) Variation
Bitcoin R$ 40,000 R$ 60,000 +50%
Ethereum R$ 2,000 R$ 4,000 +100%
Litecoin R$ 200 R$ 300 +50%

In the example above, it is possible to observe the price variation of some cryptocurrencies over a certain period. Bitcoin saw an increase of 50% from its initial value, while Ethereum saw a growth of 100%. Litecoin had a variation of 50%.

These examples illustrate how cryptocurrencies can experience significant appreciation in short periods of time. However, it is important to remember that cryptocurrency prices can also fall quickly, which highlights the need for a cautious approach when investing in this market.

In summary, the price variation of cryptocurrencies is influenced by factors such as supply and demand, economic events and individual investor decisions. These fluctuations can be significant and occur over short periods of time, which highlights the volatility of this market. When investing in cryptocurrencies, it is important to be aware of these variations and make informed decisions.


In this basic cryptocurrency guide, we learned about the fundamental concepts of this constantly evolving market. Cryptocurrencies are revolutionizing the way we carry out financial transactions, offering security and transparency for users.

It is important to be informed and study before investing in cryptocurrencies, to understand the risks and opportunities of this new form of investment. The cryptocurrency market is volatile and requires technical knowledge to carry out transactions in a conscious and responsible manner.

We hope this guide has provided a complete and comprehensive summary of the world of cryptocurrencies. Remember to always look for up-to-date information about the main cryptocurrencies and market trends. Invest cautiously and be prepared to monitor price fluctuations and potential challenges that may arise.


What are cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are a completely digital type of money, which uses cryptography to guarantee the security of transactions. Unlike physical currencies, such as the Real or the Dollar, cryptocurrencies are not controlled by governments or financial institutions.

How do cryptocurrencies work?

Cryptocurrency transactions are recorded and validated through the blockchain, which is a public and decentralized database. Each transaction is verified by miners, who use their computers to solve complex mathematical problems and ensure the security of operations.

What are the main cryptocurrencies?

In addition to Bitcoin, there are several other cryptocurrencies that have gained relevance in the market. Bitcoin Cash is a variation of the original Bitcoin, with faster processing times. Ethereum is one of the most traded cryptocurrencies, used to execute smart contracts. Tether is a stablecoin, backed by the US dollar, and is used to maintain parity with physical currency.

How to invest in cryptocurrencies?

To invest in cryptocurrencies, it is possible to use specialized brokers, such as Binance and Mercado Bitcoin. On these platforms, it is possible to buy and sell cryptocurrencies safely. It is also possible to invest in cryptocurrencies through traditional banks, such as Nubank and XP. It is important to monitor market variations and study each cryptocurrency before investing.

How does cryptocurrency security work?

The security of cryptocurrencies is guaranteed by blockchain and cryptography. Transactions are recorded transparently and immutably on the blockchain, which makes fraud and forgery difficult. Digital wallets are used to store cryptocurrencies, and private keys are essential to access and transfer assets. It is important to protect these keys and use additional security measures to prevent theft.

How does the price variation of cryptocurrencies work?

The price of cryptocurrencies varies depending on supply and demand in the market. When there is more interest and demand from investors, prices tend to rise. However, as the cryptocurrency market is still relatively small, small operations can have a significant impact on prices. Therefore, it is important to be aware of market volatility when investing in cryptocurrencies.

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