
Finding out your baby's sex is an exciting time for expectant parents.

Now, with advances in technology, there is a fun and interactive way to make this discovery: on your cell phone.


Special applications were developed to create a unique experience, allowing parents to actively participate in this long-awaited moment.

Parents can upload the images directly from their cell phones and wait anxiously for the results.


This option offers convenience and privacy, allowing parents to find out their baby's gender from the comfort of home at any time.

Boy Or Girl? Sex Of Your Phone

The app is a fun and imaginative tool that plays with the idea of gendering your mobile device.

While it is important to note that cell phones are genderless, the app uses a playful approach to entertain users.

The “Boy Or Girl? Sex Of Your Phone” is an application that allows users to customize the appearance and behavior of their phone according to an assigned gender.

Through a friendly and intuitive interface, the application offers customization options, such as ringtones, wallpapers, icons and even voice responses adapted to the chosen genre.

While using the app, users can try out different settings and features to create a unique experience with their phone.

Whether it's an energetic “boy” with vibrant tones and sporty icons, or a sophisticated “girl” with soft tones and elegant icons, the customization possibilities are extensive.

Although the app is primarily designed for entertainment, it is important to remember that the concept of gender does not apply to inanimate objects such as cell phones.


It is important to remember that sex determination during pregnancy is a serious medical issue and should be handled carefully and responsibly. Consulting a qualified healthcare professional is essential to obtain accurate information!