
To the cryptocurrencies have become an increasingly popular investment option in Brazil. However, it is important to keep in mind that these assets are high risk and require appropriate strategies to maximize returns. In this article, we will explore some of the main investment strategies in cryptocurrencies that can be useful for beginners in Brazil.

Main points to consider:

  • A Scheduled Purchase Strategy (DCA) is an effective way to invest in cryptocurrencies gradually and reduce the impact of market volatility.
  • The “Golden Cross/Death Cross” strategy, which uses moving averages, can help identify moments to buy or sell in the market.
  • A divergence strategy of the relative strength index (RSI) is more technical and uses the indicator RSI to identify trend reversals.
  • To the cryptocurrencies are digital representations of value that enable decentralized transactions independent of traditional financial institutions.
  • To the specialized brokers, known as exchanges, are the most common form of invest in cryptocurrencies at the Brazil.

Scheduled Purchase Strategy (DCA)

A scheduled purchase strategy, also known as DCA Dollar-cost averaging is an approach adopted by investors to purchase cryptocurrencies regularly and systematically over time. This strategy aims to reduce the impact of market volatility, allowing investors to purchase assets even during times of high volatility.


To implement the strategy DCA, the investor divides the total amount he wants invest in cryptocurrencies in small amounts and sets specific dates and times to make these regular purchases. In this way, the investor buys assets at different price points, which results in an average purchase over time.

The DCA strategy can be automated through specialized platforms that allow you to schedule periodic cryptocurrency purchases. These platforms usually offer flexible configuration options, such as choosing the amount to be invested and the frequency of purchases.


Additionally, it is also possible to implement the DCA strategy manually by setting an additional rule to buy more cryptocurrencies when prices are falling. With this rule, the investor takes advantage of the opportunity to acquire more assets at lower prices, further increasing the average purchase over time.

In summary, the scheduled purchase strategy (DCA) is a popular approach to investing in cryptocurrencies in a disciplined manner and minimizing the risks associated with market volatility. By establishing regular purchases, the investor takes advantage of averaging purchases over time, becoming less affected by rapid and unpredictable market movements.

Advantages of the planned purchasing strategy (DCA)

  • Reducing the impact of market volatility;
  • Possibility to invest regularly, regardless of market conditions;
  • Increase in average purchase over time;
  • Automation of periodic purchases for greater convenience;
  • Take advantage of buying opportunities when prices are falling;
  • Diversification of purchases at different price points.

Considerations when using the scheduled purchasing strategy (DCA)

While the scheduled purchase strategy is an attractive option for many investors, there are a few things to consider:

  • Choosing the period and frequency of purchases: it is important to define a consistent calendar for purchases, taking into account factors such as financial goals and market volatility.
  • Analysis of selected cryptocurrencies: before starting the DCA strategy, it is recommended to carry out an analysis of the cryptocurrencies in which you wish to invest, taking into account factors such as the reputation of the project, price history and growth potential.
  • Assessing fees and costs: When using investment platforms to automate scheduled purchases, it is important to consider the fees and costs associated with these transactions, as they can impact your return on investment.

The Timed Purchase (DCA) strategy can be a viable and effective option for investing in cryptocurrencies, allowing investors to reap the benefits of averaging purchases over time and reduce the risks of market volatility.

“Golden Cross/Death Cross” Strategy

The “Golden Cross/Death Cross” strategy is a widely used technique in crypto market which is based on the use of moving averages (MAs) to identify buying and selling moments. This strategy is especially useful for analyzing the long-term trend of an asset and making investment decisions based on that analysis.

A golden cross occurs when the 50-day moving average crosses the 200-day moving average upwards. This crossover is interpreted as a buy signal, indicating that the asset may be starting to appreciate. This is considered an opportune moment to enter the market and increase your position in a given cryptocurrency.

estratégia da cruz de ouro

On the other hand, a death cross occurs when the 50-day moving average crosses the 200-day moving average downwards. This crossover is considered a sell signal, indicating that the asset may be losing value. In this scenario, investors may choose to sell their positions and minimize losses in the future. crypto market.

It is important to note that the “Golden Cross/Death Cross” strategy is not infallible and does not guarantee consistent profits. It is merely a tool that assists in making investment decisions, and should be combined with a comprehensive market analysis, in addition to considering other relevant metrics and indicators.

To demonstrate how this strategy works, below is a hypothetical example of the history of crossings between the moving averages of an asset:

Date Crossing Action
01/01/2020 Golden Cross Buy
15/03/2020 Death Cross Sale
07/06/2020 Golden Cross Buy
19/09/2020 Death Cross Sale
02/12/2020 Golden Cross Buy

When analyzing this example, it is possible to observe that the “Golden Cross/Death Cross” strategy can have variable results over time, since the crypto market is volatile and unpredictable. Therefore, it is essential to carry out an in-depth analysis of the current context and consider other factors before making investment decisions based on this strategy.

Relative Strength Index (RSI) Divergence Strategy

A divergence strategy of RSI is a more technical method that uses the RSI indicator to identify trend reversals. The RSI measures the movement of an asset and can indicate moments of overbought or oversold.

The strategy consists of looking for discrepancies between the price and the RSI, which may signal an imminent reversal of the current trend. By identifying a divergence between the price action and the RSI, it is possible to gain valuable insights into the possible change in direction of the crypto market.

RSI divergence occurs when the price of an asset is rising while the RSI is falling, or vice versa. This indicates that the strength of the trend is decreasing and could be a sign of a reversal.

A divergence strategy The RSI can be applied to different time frames, from short-term trading to long-term investments. It offers a technical approach to analyzing cryptocurrency market conditions, allowing traders and investors to identify buying or selling opportunities that can result in significant profits.

When using this strategy, it is important to consider additional factors such as trading volume, price support and resistance, and other technical indicators to confirm the trend reversal identified by the RSI. Furthermore, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis and assess the overall context of the crypto market before making investment decisions based on this strategy.

estratégia de divergência do RSI

Advantages of RSI divergence strategy:

  • Identifying trend reversals in crypto market;
  • Allows you to find strategic entry and exit points;
  • It can be applied in different time frames, from short to long term;
  • Helps identify potential profit opportunities.

The RSI divergence strategy is a powerful tool for investors in the cryptocurrency market. By combining technical analysis with other relevant indicators and information, it is possible to make more informed decisions and take advantage of yield opportunities in this ever-changing market.

What are cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are digital representations of value that were created with the aim of decentralizing the production of currencies and enabling transactions without relying on banks or centralizing agents. Each cryptocurrency has its own protocol and can be used as a means of exchange, store of value and standard of value.

Financial Decentralization

The main feature of cryptocurrencies is the decentralization financial. Unlike traditional currencies, such as the real or the dollar, which are issued and controlled by central banks, cryptocurrencies operate on a decentralized network known as blockchain.

"A decentralization allows transactions to be carried out directly between participants, without intermediaries. This ensures greater security, transparency and eliminates the need for trust in traditional financial institutions.”

– Cryptocurrency expert

Uses and Applications

Cryptocurrencies have a number of uses and applications. In addition to being used as a means of exchange in online transactions, they can also function as a store of value, and are considered alternative investments. In addition, some cryptocurrencies have the function of establishing standards of value, which means that their market value is used as a reference to evaluate other cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency Examples

In today’s market, there are several cryptocurrencies available for use and investment. Some of the most well-known and popular include:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Cryptocurrencies Market Value (in billions of dollars)
Bitcoin $600
Ethereum $300
Ripple $100
Litecoin $50
Bitcoin Cash $40

Where to invest in cryptocurrencies

To invest in cryptocurrencies in Brazil, you can use specialized brokers, also known as exchanges. These platforms allow the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies and can be used by investors with different levels of knowledge and different financial situations. In addition, it is also possible to invest in cryptocurrency funds available at “regular” brokerages or even banks.

To the exchanges These are companies that offer a platform for investors to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. They are responsible for providing a safe and reliable environment for carrying out transactions. There are several exchanges in the Brazilian market, each with its own characteristics and particularities.

It is important to choose an exchange that has a good reputation, secure transactions, and a variety of cryptocurrencies available for trading. In addition, it is essential to check the fees charged by the brokers and evaluate the deposit and withdrawal options offered.

Another option for investing in cryptocurrencies is cryptocurrency funds available at some “regular” brokerages or even banks. These funds work in a similar way to traditional investment funds, where investors invest their money and a professional manager is responsible for managing the fund and making investment decisions.

Cryptocurrency funds are an interesting option for those who want to gain exposure to the crypto market but do not want to deal with the technical issues involved in buying and selling coins directly. In addition, funds offer portfolio diversification, as the manager can invest in different cryptocurrencies and related assets.

When deciding where to invest in cryptocurrencies, it is essential to carry out a detailed analysis of the different options available and choose the one that best suits the investor's profile and objectives. It is important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies involves risks and it is necessary to be prepared to deal with market volatility.

Main crypto brokers in Brazil

Broker Fees Variety of Cryptocurrencies Reputation
Broker A Casualties Wide Excellent
Broker B Averages Limited Good
Broker C High Varied Regular

The table above presents some of the main crypto brokers in Brazil. It is important to note that information may vary and it is recommended to conduct more detailed research before making an investment decision. In addition, each investor has their own specific preferences and needs, so it is important to take into account other factors in addition to those presented in the table.

How to invest in cryptocurrencies

It is not necessary to have prior knowledge about cryptocurrencies to invest in this market. It is possible to start from scratch and seek consistent profits using strategies such as those of trader Raphael Maselli. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves choosing a specialized broker, performing periodic backups and analyzing the liquidity and costs of the brokers. There is no minimum investment amount, and the trader's strategy can be applied with any amount of money.


To the best strategies in investment in cryptocurrencies, such as the DCA strategy, the “Golden Cross/Death Cross” strategy and the RSI divergence strategy, are powerful tools for maximizing returns in the cryptocurrency market in Brazil. However, it is crucial to have knowledge about cryptocurrencies, study the different investment methods and choose the most appropriate way to invest, whether through specialized exchanges or funds available at traditional brokerages and banks.

In addition, it is important to constantly monitor asset prices, analyze broker liquidity and transaction costs. To obtain consistent results, relying on the guidance of an experienced professional, such as trader Raphael Maselli, can be a great strategy.

In summary, the investment in cryptocurrencies in Brazil offers opportunities for growth and significant income. By using the best strategies, studying the market and counting on the guidance of experts, it is possible to seek consistent gains and make the most of the potential of this expanding segment.


What are the cryptocurrency investment strategies in Brazil?

To the investment strategies in cryptocurrencies in Brazil include the Scheduled Purchase (DCA) strategy, the “Golden Cross/Death Cross” strategy and the relative strength index (RSI) divergence strategy.

What is the Planned Purchase (DCA) strategy?

The Scheduled Purchase (DCA) strategy involves dividing your investment into smaller amounts and choosing specific dates and times to purchase cryptocurrencies. This helps reduce the impact of market volatility and generally results in a larger average purchase over time.

How does the “Golden Cross/Death Cross” strategy work?

The Golden Cross/Death Cross strategy uses two moving averages (MAs) to identify crossover points and signal buy or sell times. A golden cross occurs when the 50-day moving average crosses above the 200-day moving average, indicating a buy signal. A death cross occurs when the 50-day moving average crosses below the 200-day moving average, indicating a sell signal.

How does the Relative Strength Index (RSI) divergence strategy work?

The relative strength index (RSI) divergence strategy is a technical method that uses the RSI indicator to identify trend reversals. The RSI measures the movement of an asset and can indicate moments of overbought or oversold. The strategy involves looking for discrepancies between the price and the RSI, which can signal an imminent reversal of the current trend.

What are cryptocurrencies?

Cryptocurrencies are digital representations of value that were created with the aim of decentralizing the production of currencies and enabling transactions without relying on banks or centralizing agents. Each cryptocurrency has its own protocol and can be used as a means of exchange, store of value and standard of value.

Where can I invest in cryptocurrencies?

In Brazil, it is possible to invest in cryptocurrencies using specialized brokers, also known as exchanges. These platforms allow the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies and can be used by investors with different levels of knowledge and different financial realities.

How can I invest in cryptocurrencies?

To invest in cryptocurrencies, it is recommended to seek prior knowledge about the market and the different cryptocurrencies available. It is necessary to choose a specialized broker, perform periodic backups and analyze the liquidity and costs of the brokers. There is no minimum investment amount and it is possible to apply strategies like that of trader Raphael Maselli with any amount of money.

What are the best cryptocurrency investment strategies?

To the best strategies in investment in cryptocurrencies in the Brazilian market include the Scheduled Purchase (DCA) strategy, the “Golden Cross/Death Cross” strategy and the relative strength index (RSI) divergence strategy. It is important to study cryptocurrencies, choose the best way to invest (exchanges, funds, etc.) and monitor asset prices.

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